Mommy's Free Wednesday...
Every Wednesday (almost), Levi goes to a Mother's Day Out program at a nearby church. He gets social time away from me and I get to spend a day running errands. I never ever get them all done. I always want to go work out, but if I did then I wouldn't get all of my errands accomplished. Today for example, I dropped Levi off, went to Mom2Mom (a breastfeeding support group that is AWESOME!!), after being there for only an hour (time went really fast wow) I went to get the mail, Comissarry, Xoe got a 2 vaccines (another story I ill tell) and then we went to get Levi from school. I did a LOT! All of this before 2 pm. I still forgot to look into swim lessons for Levi and I forgot to look at the BX for a activity saucer for Xoe. I need more time!

We have decided to follow the Dr Sears approach to Vaccinating. Levi had a hard time with all of the shots being given to him all at one time and he would get fevers and fell really crappy. So with Xoe we are going to follow this awesome vaccine schedule. It has you get them their vaccines every month instead of every 2 months. Instead of being stuck 5 times today with combination shots, she got one oral vaccine (Rotavirus) and DTaP (3in1). Since I opted out of the Combination shot, the ladies were stressing that now she will have to be stuck more in order to get the doses spread out... well duh! I would rather her get hurt and heal fast from a needle vs. get stuck once and suffer for Days. Just because they work behind the counter doesn't make them smart. Now after only 2 vaccines she is miserable :( I can't believe Levi had to go through that and he was a lot smaller than Xoe. We live and we learn!
We still have not received a package that the Paynes sent for Christmas... I think a other people are having the same problem. I overheard someone asking questions while I was at the post office today.
I am loving my snap 'n' go stroller it is thin enough to fit in the car and it is SO easy and quick to get out and back in to the car. I used it all day today.
Well that is all for now...