It Snowed! This is what it looked like yesterday off of our balcony. SO pretty, but today road are really bad and there is a shortage of salt for the roads. Still not sure when Garrett will get released from work or if he ever will.
Xoe! She was too cute so I had to take pictures. She is sticking her tongue out a LOT bc Papa (daddy) does it to her. She likes it when you repeat her. She is talking like crazy... I will have to see about posting a video soon.

Karate!! Levi is allowed to stay in class. This week they punched the bag, played telephone, and he found a girl in class that he couldn't help but flirt with... hmmm sound like someone else we know *cough*Garrett*cough*

Xoe's got vaccinated... as you know. She was still smiley!

Levi likes to get in her "boat" and take a bath with her. He likes to pour water on her too. She loves to have him there!

Best of Friends!!
They are too freaking cute together. The play together, get clean together, and get into LOTS of trouble together.
I just started my Math class so I am going to be busy until April 4, I don't have my book and I don't think I will be able to get it for awhile due to the snow. The Commissary is closed unless it is an emergency so hopefully we can get there tomorrow. If not we are stuck eating frozen leftovers.
19 days until we should be getting the location of our new home... PRAY PRAY PRAY!! I want anything the lord wants to give us! He knows that I really want Little Rock or McChord. I really don't care were we end up though! (Little Rock please HeHe)
I hope you guys get the base you want. :D