Another Jail Break

Yesterday I searched my hardest for activities to put Levi in. It is sooo hard to find things for 3 year olds to do. I ended up bringing him to the Loveless Academy for Karate, and I am going to see if we can start Smart Start Basketball on Tuesday even though we already missed a session they said I may still be able to join. YAY! I may even get him into swim lessons after Smart start is over. I think two activities a week is perfect for a little boy with Cabin Fever.
We went to the Loveless Academy and I was so nervous. If he ran around and didn't listen to instruction then he wouldn't be able to come back next week for another trial run. HE DID GREAT! He had a few rough spots but it is just short enough of a class that it held his attention perfect. Although it was short enough that he was upset and cried when we had to leave. He is noticeably the youngest, but the other kids were worse listeners than Levi at times. Today he showed me how he bows. Too CUTE!!
After Karate we went to the KMCC and shared orange chicken and rice... YAY he is eating Chicken Whoopee! Then we went in the BX and found a cheap coat... his winter coat is getting snug. Finally we walked to the Kids Court and ran some of our energy out.
When we got home Levi got to talk to Papa (Daddy) on the web cam. We found out that Papa got to ride in a Helicopter over the Pyrenees Mountains. We will have to post those pictures later!

Last weekend we went out in the snow!! We don't own a sled, so we looked to the Payne's roots, had to be a little redneck. We used an old laundry basket... it was perfect. He never fell out and he knew how to scoot to get himself down the hill. He had a blast. We tried to build a snowman but the snow was too powdery. Maybe it will stick next time.