I have been summoned to post :)

Xoe got her Excersaucer in the mail last week! YAY!
She really likes it and Levi loves to play with her while she is in it.
She can do a full circle, take the cake apart and pull the toy keys and money out of the purse to chew on.
She is such a Cutie!

Xoe didn't want to sit in her carseat anymore.
So I tried holding her... well it was very hard to push the cart and hold a baby. I ended up putting her in the cart with Levi so that we could get to the bathroom to change her diaper. They loved being together.

Daddy got to stay home from work on Friday to play in the snow with us! It was a lot of fun.

Levi loved all of his gifts from family and his friends from school.
(no he did not eat that whole thing in one sitting.)
He found the camera again... Garrett said he watched him do this and that he knows which buttons to press in order to do self timer. SMART kid! All self taught.

Last but not the Least!!
He fell asleep while watching Coraline tonight. He has NOT fell asleep within our home on his own in ages!
But we don't sleep on our toddler bed any more because he wants to sleep in his tent. Zero trouble putting him to sleep for 3 nights in a row.
Remember to click on the picture to see it really big... you can also save it that way. Hall's and Payne's check our sync for these new collages :)