A lot of thinking to do...
I am looking for a name for my business. I don't like the one I am sporting now. Use Your Words. One day while talking with Levi, I used this phrase on him and the Idea to use it for the name of my business made sense. I mean I love that it works for now but I know it doesn't fit with who I am.
I have been playing with a few names. Mostly my favorite is The Picky Princess Project! A friend mentioned though, that I don't only make girly things. I make letters for all genders and can do letters for decor. Another one that I like but I am just having a not so sure attitude towards is Xovi Décor or Designs. Xoe and Levi stuck together. It sounds very designer, which is something I like but I just don't know yet.
I guess I will have to sleep on it... I am sure it will come to me before the new year.
I have a new idea for a jewelry holder using a picture frame. I am excited to try it out. I hope it works. So if any of you who read this (all 2 of you) have any frames that you need to part with, I am your girl. I will gladly take wooden 8x10 and smaller. No glass is needed, in fact I don't really want the glass at all.
For now I will go watch some parenthood :) I love this show!
