My healthy journey

So I have decided to be brave and post my weight! AHHHH! I know I am crazy but I think I am struggling just a bit and I need to keep my goal to have a healthy life in check. This weekend I had a preschool mommy night out. Sugary drinks galore! I wanted to be good but when I wanted that strawberry daiquiri I just couldn't hold back. Then the hangover, Garrett had also drank while I was out two steppin' my heart out. So we both needed some grease in our belly. It became a Pizza night. So here I am feeling a little guilty about it, but really I felt much better after the pizza. We hadn't had pizza in over a month! I am very proud of us for that. We used to have pizza once a week.

So here are my stats so far:

Starting Weight: 192
Current Weight: 189

3 pounds isn't too shabby! It has been 2 weeks, so I would have expected more, but we are doing P90X and I am gaining a lot of muscle. I am fitting into my jeans better and my pre-pregnancy jeans at that! I have 6 more pounds to reach my pre-pregnancy goal weight, and 34 pounds until my goal of 155 (my high school weight). I would be happy with 160 but I don't think it is healthy enough for me. I want a healthy life so I am making this change happen! I want to feel beautiful again. NOT that I don't feel pretty... just that it isn't the same. I want to believe it every day, not just until I see myself in pictures. Which right now I still can't believe it is me when I see them.

Tonight's dinner:

Ranch Turkey Burgers... I will keep you posted about how I did them!


Nikki said…
I was 160 before I had Lily. I am 5'9' by the way. I was 150 when I was modeling. I was 220 the day I delivered Lily. 5 months on Bed rest was hard and all I did was eat and sit there and gain weight. I'll be brave with you......I am 173 now and I would like to be 160. We can be partners in losing weight if you like. First thing first. You must work out everyday! Even if its at home on your tv....we can hold each other accountable. Wanna try? We can have our sexy bodies back!
Unknown said…
NIKKI!!! That is a 50 pound loss after having a baby... that is amazing! I was already heavy when I conceived both kids so, I only gained 29 and 26. I think that is in my gene's my mom only gain 20 max with her 3 kids. It takes 9 pounds to put that weight on, give yourself time to get it off. Your hormones are still all over the place. I PROMISE I was there with you waiting for that last 10ish pounds to go away... it is hard, but it does come off.

Garrett and I are doing P90X every day. We do take rest days and we are focused on strength training, for now, while it is working. "Muscle burns fat" I keep telling myself. It is nice because P90x burns so many calories so I don't mind not receiving as much cardio.

I want to do more that try! We will do this... then we will take a picture together at the reunion ;)

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