90 to 100 days away from our move!!
Today we had Xoe's 4 month Check up. The Awesome Peds Nurse-Practitioner said she is SMART, and growing like she should. She has only gained a pound a month in January and February. This last month instead of gaining weight she decided to grow a half an inch.
15 lbs 14 oz... 83%
26in... 92%
Levi saw the the Doc too. He just has a cold, clean ears and for his cough they gave him some Cingular chew- ables, and inhaler to see if this isn't just a case of seasonal asthma like I had as a kid.
CONGRATS to Garrett! Yesterday he CLEPed a class and PAST IT!! Only 15 credits left! WAY TO GO!
I found a massage school in Wichita Falls that offers continuing Education classes so I am sooo excited that I may be able to gain more hours and be able to practice!! It is a passion of mine and it makes me happy when I have the space and time to do it. When I massage I feel like I am receiving as well. It is healing for me. I have only massaged a handful of people in the last 3 years and I have started to feel YUCKY.
Well that is all I have to report.
