Husbands are not good wing men!
Last night my texas bestie, her hubster, my lover, and myself all ventured out for our first couples date night in... well a LONG TIME... It is quite possible that because it was so long ago that we had to learn how to act as a couple instead of just a girls night or a guys night.
I thought the whole evening was great.... the WHOLE evening was Fantastic
We started out at this little Greek restaurant that was uber expensive, good thing the food was yummy. It was called...

The salmon was dry in spots and juicy in others, thank goodness, because my first thought was darn I really don't want to pay that much for something that is not freaking perfection. The sauce or "Shauce" as the waiter pronounced it, was very tasty. I wish I knew what the "shauces" were because I would cook with them all of the time.
After we were done eating we planned on going to...

I thought the whole evening was great.... the WHOLE evening was Fantastic
We started out at this little Greek restaurant that was uber expensive, good thing the food was yummy. It was called...

This cute little place had dim lights, candles lit, a huge selection of wine, live music (just a sax playing in the background), and the food... it was full of flavor. Garrett of course had the lamb, he let me have a bite of it's medium cooked goodness. I chose to go with something a bit cheaper, the salmon.

After we were done eating we planned on going to...

First I have to start out by saying I had a lot of fun, I love this bar and the fact that we got in for FREE. I should have stuck with beer for all night since it was cheapest, but no I didn't. Good news is I did find out that I am a fan of a drink by the name Plain Jane, I had Brock(the bartender) add a little grenadine, because of it's vodka base I was worried I couldn't run with the big girls. I did, and I am sad to say my drunk wore off very quickly for how much I drank. I danced every dance I could without a partner.When we go for girls nights guys ask constantly to take us out on the dance floor, I mean with two good looking ladies why wouldn't they... I will tell you why they weren't this particular night.....
Maegan and I had a feeling that Jack and Garrett would take away our dancing game, we were right. Since we were sitting with our wonderful husbands all night, no guys would come close to us. I have to say who could blame them, Garrett and Jack aren't little guys, and these tech school airman were already wiggin' out on the fact that it was their first time off base in weeks. I wouldn't have come near us either. So what is a girl to do in this situation... ditch them :) I know? How nice are we? Loving husbands finally getting to take their wives out and we run towards some other girls so that we might have a chance to two step.
I didn't get one cowboy to dance with me :( but I did get down to the Macarena, Cuban Shuffle, Copperhead Road, Cotton Eye'd Joe and others. Then at the end of the night just to get my two step fix , I dragged Garrett out on the dance floor to a slow song. He did fantastic, I didn't even have to lead him!
So Ladies, the moral to this story is don't go to a dance club with men who don't dance, it is not their fault it is yours. Bring them instead to something they are comfortable with, and save the dancing for girls nights :)